Thursday, February 12, 2009

Just trollin' around ...

Did you ever play with trolls? I was digging through my closet the other day and found two of my old trolls. I had them packed up because the last time I left them out, the boys got a hold of them and took them in the bathtub. That's how the yellow-headed one lost his hair. It really bummed me out. I can't remember the yellow-haired one's name, but I used to call the pink-haired one Charlie. I played with trolls all the time. I even had some of the plastic carrying cases that were designed like little houses. Those were fun. My best friend in grade school loved trolls too and we'd play with them for our entire lunch break. Fun memories playing with them on the dirt hill.

Troll dolls first became popular in the mid-60s, but were originally invented in 1949 by a Danish woodcutter named Thomas Dam. It is said he couldn't afford a Christmas present for his young daughter, so he carved her this doll. It became such a hit that he started making more and selling them. Trolls became popular again in the 70s, which is when I used to play with them. I remember finding them at thrift stores and it was always a thrill to find a really old one. It was like striking gold. If you go to ebay and look for trolls from the 60s, you'll probably see a lot of bids and high prices. Some people seriously collect them. I just have these two right now. My girls had a bunch from the 80s, but I'm not sure if we still have them. The newer trolls came with fancy outfits, but the ones I used to get were always naked.

According to Wiki, a troll is a fierce member of a race of creatures from Nordic mythology, similar to the ogres of England. Trolls have been featured in fables, books, movies, even television. I remember loving the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff when I was little, which featured a troll living under a bridge. There is a troll in Toy Story too, but it didn't talk or have a big role due to issues with who owned the rights to it. My sister-in-law married a man from Norway and acquired some very interesting trolls living there. In their heyday, trolls were considered a source of good luck and many people carried the dolls while they traveled. I wish I had kept my old trolls, but I'm glad I have these, despite the hair-loss. Do they make Rogaine for trolls?


  1. Yes, I remember them. I did not keep any. I think they are ugly but very likeable.

  2. I didn't know that it was a Dane who invented the little dolls. I'll tell my husband-he'll get a kick out of that.

  3. My mom always had her 'lucky Bingo troll' and we were never allowed to play with it as kids. (Something about taking all its luck!) So I never really played with them at all. And the theory of being 'so ugly, that they are cute' never really made sense to me. They are just plain ugly! lol

  4. I had a bunch of trolls back in the 70's too and played with them all the time. I loved to play with their hair. lol I didn't know they are so popular now and people paid top dollar for them. I don't have any but it would be neat to. There was a giant ugly troll in the 2nd Harry Potter movie.


  5. My kids get them from school out of their teacher's treasure box. They were shocked to know I know what a Troll doll is and had them as kids.

  6. Oops, sorry Rena. I forgot to sign my name. It's from me, Erin lol.

  7. OMG...I forgot about trolls! I used to have some of those, too! :) Oh memories!

  8. Awwwww! I didn't realize how much I missed my old troll pals until now! I had one with hot pink hair and another who was a red-head. *sigh* They were my buddies. Thanks for the walk down memory lane. ;-)

  9. This post brings back memories! I didn't know they were invented by someone named Thomas "Dam". My cousins told me they were called "Dam Dolls"--they said it was because trolls live under dams--and they had me constantly referring to, "my dam doll", until my mom objected to the way that sounded and made me start calling it a "troll doll". :)

  10. I remember these trolls! I had one given to me and my sister took it to school and returned it to me with the nose bitten off!!! Funny what you remember from your childhood. Rena, Just to say thanks for following me at Ugly Rabbit. I have simplified my url so many apologies for any inconvenience. it's now:

  11. I never had any troll dolls of my own, but I remember playing with my friend's dolls on the playground near the teeter totters. Fun times!

  12. I had several troll dolls...the one in my locker at school got squeezed and bopped all the time...every time I got mad at a boyfriend or a teacher I would take it out on this poor troll...grin...I have no idea where they are now, but I hope my poor little school troll has found a happy home to be in...grin..
