Friday, December 17, 2010

Follow that yonder star ...

Well, we made it! Today was our last day of school before Christmas vacation. I am really looking forward to some time out of the classroom. It's not that I don't love school -- I do. I'm just really ready for a few weeks off. Yesterday Nathan was reading his science book to me. It was all about mold, mildew, and fungi. Between that and his ratio/proportions math, I am more than ready for a break. I know the boys are ready, too.

We did our last Three Kings craft today. That's it in the picture. I had scheduled them to make ornaments, but when I went to look at the link I had saved, I realized I didn't have all of the materials we needed. So -- we compromised! We made this ornament with popsicle sticks, mini clothespins, yarn, and bits of stuff we found. The little crowns and gifts were made from balloon shaped confetti pieces. I tell you -- it pays to save stuff. Well, at least it does for me.

As much as I am looking forward to some time off to relax, I just realized I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow. Hahaha -- shopping on a Saturday before Christmas. Now there's a thought. I am sure that will be anything but relaxing! I hope you all have a great weekend!

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